Friday, 2 November 2007

Fair play to the Spanish health service.

I am off to hospital tomorrow (yes that is a Saturday), and I want to compliment the Spanish health service. Having enjoyed (not sure if that's a true description at my agonising efforts) six-a-side football in the Spring, I seemed to have developed a slight hernia problem. Having been diagnosed shortly afterwards and after several scans up until June, I was told to expect an appointment after the Summer. Come the end of September, I duly received a letter informing me that as part of the Valencia Community's plan to reduce waiting lists, I had the choice to attend a private hospital at their full expense if I so wished, or I could stay on the list - no-brainer.
Just over four weeks later and I will be under the knife tommorrow morning.
Hopefully my recovery will be as quick as Michael Owen who was back playing for England after his hernia operation a few weeks ago.
No need for the get well cards ok.

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Tinsa €/m2