Friday, 7 November 2008

Make the Recession Work for You !!

Interest rates have been slashed throughout the Euro region and the United Kingdom and let's up hope that the banks do the right thing and pass those cuts on to all of us who pay mortgages.
It is also worth remembering that markets (insert property, stock and currency) rise and markets fall - it is not the end of the world.
And right now there are some incredible opportunities to purchase assets which over the longer term will increase significantly in value. Of course, that doesn't mean you but any old asset, as there are those which will increase over time at a far faster rate than others, and considering property for a moment, location (location, location) is still a very important factor.
I am a great believer of observing the masses and then doing the opposite. It is much easier to be part of the crowd than swim against the tide. Right now, buying property in Spain is very much viewed as swimming against the tide. But also Spain is a proven market and it will come back into vogue - it is still sunny here today as a write this and it's early November, not may places in Europe have such an enviable climate.
Such opportunities have always been viewed as only available to a select few - however anyone who has the courage at the moment to invest cash in bricks and mortar will benefit in the longer term.
Markets rise and markets fall - given time, a lot of money will be made from the opportunities that currently exist.

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Tinsa €/m2